Why I Like Living in Melbourne More Than Any Other City

Life in Melbourne is very peaceful. To be frank, I never wanted to move to Melbourne 5 years back. I had spent half of my life in Adelaide and moving to Melbourne was like playing poker. You never know what cards you are gonna get but still, I took the risk and relocated to Melbourne. It was a big decision which was going to change my compete for lifestyle and I had to start from scratch to earn my bread. But by God's grace, I got a job at the local pub my second day in Melbourne. I had previously worked with many Adelaide Pubs and had a great reputation as a bartender. My Job As A Bartender On the day of joining, I had no idea what welcome I was going to get to the new pub, new city. Still, I took the risk and started working as if I belonged to Melbourne. It worked pretty well as the customers accepted me the way I was and it was all fun. Laughing, making cocktails, showing my moves 😃 and so much that too on my first day. I never felt I was new in Melbou...